Genetic Roulette
Genetic Roulette is Jeffrey Smith’s second self-published book in which he makes unsubstantiated claims against biotechnology. In it, he details 65 separate claims that the technology causes harm in a variety of ways. On these pages each of those claims – addressed in the same eight “sections” that correspond directly with the book – are stacked up against peer-reviewed science.
- Section 1—Top 20 Urban Myths about GM Grops
- 1.1—Pusztai’s Flawed Claims
- 1.2—GM Tomatoes Proven Safe
- 1.3—Bt Corn Statistics Don’t Lie
- 1.4—These aren’t even GM Potatoes!
- 1.5—Bt Cotton is Safer for workers than pesticides
- 1.6—Bt Cotton is Safer for sheep than pesticides
- 1.7—No evidence that pollen causes disease
- 1.8—Mycotoxins cause reproductive failure
- 1.9—A classic logical fallacy about Bt corn
- 1.10—Rats fed Roundup Ready Soy – no effect on liver
- 1.11— Rats fed Roundup Ready Soy —no effect on pancreas
- 1.12— Rats fed Roundup Ready Soy —no effect on testicular cells
- 1.13—Rabbits can eat Roundup Ready Soy too
- 1.14—Ermakova’s findings defy logic
- 1.15—Eating soybeans increases soybean-specific IgG antibodies
- 1.16—Rats fed Roundup Ready Canola have healthy livers
- 1.17—Fast growing birds can eat Liberty-Link Corn
- 1.18—GM Peas Are discontinued
- 1.19—Animals Graze Where There’s Feed
- 1.20—High Doses of Tryptophan Cause EM
- Section 2—The Devil is in the DNA
- 2.1—Any DNA Insertion can cause a mutation
- 2.2—The use of tissue culture in plant breeding is not new
- 2.3—GM Breeding is More Precise than other methods
- 2.4—Promoters are precise tools
- 2.5—Promoters can insert naturally into DNA
- 2.6—Breeders produce genetically stable crops
- 2.7—Mobile DNA drives evolution
- 2.8—Food Contains Lots of Novel RNAs
- 2.9—All Plant Breeding Causes DNA Scrambling
- 2.10—Chemical Composition of crops is highly variable
- 2.11—Biological variability is typical of crop varieties
- Section 3—Allergy Assessment Works As Planned
- 3.1—GM soybeans are no more allergenic than conventional soybeans
- 3.2—Today’s food allergy criteria are more accurate
- 3.3—Bt crops are less likely to cause allergies or illness
- 3.4—Whole Bt-producing bacteria are safe (that’s why organic growers use it!)
- 3.5—Starlink corn was successfully recalled, caused no allergies
- 3.6—Barnase in GM crops will not cause kidney damage
- 3.7—High-lysine corn shown to be superior to conventional
- 3.8—Cooking high-lysine corn will not produce toxins
- 3.9—Disease-resistant crops do not cause human diseases
- Section 4—New proteins are carefully tested
- 4.1—GM Proteins are tested
- 4.2—Transgenes are safe, widespread in nature
- 4.3—Genes rearrange naturally all the time with no ill effects
- 4.4—Proteins are carefully characterized
- 4.5—GM plants contain minute amounts of harmless new proteins
- 4.6—Plant biology is better understood than Smith seems to think it is
- Section 5—DNA transfer is common and, widespread in nature
- 5.1—DNA fragments in the gut are plentiful, but cause no problems
- 5.2—GM does not affect gene movement into bacteria
- 5.3—Transgenes are destroyed in the gut
- 5.4—Transgenes are not incorporated into our bodies
- 5.5—GM foods are irrelevant to the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria
- 5.6—The 35S promoter has been thoroughly researched
- 5.7—Bt-genes don’t move from plants to bacteria
- 5.8—DNA moves between microbes in the mouth and throat
- 5.9—Plant genes don’t move to gut microbes
- Section 6—GM crops protects the food chain
- Section 7—GM food additives are known to be safe
- Section 8—Better nutrition helps mothers and babies